

Upgrading the Cluster and Local Binaries

Upgrading the Cluster and Local Binaries

This lesson gives a practical exercise on upgrading the cluster and local binaries.

Inspecting the current version

Let’s take a quick look at the current version before we upgrade our cluster.

Press + to interact
jx version

In my case, the output is as follows.

Press + to interact
jx 2.0.151
jenkins x platform 2.0.108
Kubernetes cluster v1.12.7-gke.10
kubectl v1.14.2
helm client Client: v2.14.0+g05811b8
git git version 2.20.1 (Apple Git-117)
Operating System Mac OS X 10.14.4 build 18E226

You might be asked whether you want to upgrade jx to the new release. That is a safe operation since it will upgrade only jx CLI and leave the apps running in the cluster intact. If you were creating the cluster using the provided Gists, you already upgraded the CLI quite a few times, so that should not be anything new.

It might be worth mentioning that jx CLI can also be upgraded through the jx upgrade cli command. The end result is the same, except that jx upgrade cli does not output all the versions, but directly updates only the CLI.

What matters, for now, is the jenkins x platform version from the output. In my case, it is 2.0.108. If we take a look at the jenkins-x-platform.yml file, we can see that quite a few versions of the platform were created in the meantime. At the time of this writing (May 2019), the current version is 2.0.330. I am 22 versions behind. While that ...

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