Ten Commandments of GitOps Applied to Continuous Delivery

This lesson lists the ten commandments of GitOps principles and the reasoning behind each one.

Instead of listing someone else’s rules, we’ll try to deduce them ourselves. So far, we have only one, and that is the most important rule that is likely going to define the rest of the brainstorming and discussion.

1. Git is the only source of truth

The one rule to rule them all is that Git is the only source of truth.

It is the first and most important commandment. All application-specific code in its raw format must be stored in Git. By code, I mean not only the code of your application, but also the tests, configuration, and everything else that is specific to that app or the system in general.

I intentionally said that it should be in raw format because there is no benefit of storing binaries in Git. That’s not what it’s designed for.

The real question is why we want those things? For one, good development practices should be followed. Even though we might disagree on which practices are good, and which aren’t, they are all levitating around Git.

  • If you’re doing code reviews, you’re doing it through Git.
  • If you need to see the change history of a file, you’ll see it through, Git.

If you find a developer doubting whether the code should be in Git (or some other code repository), please make sure that they’re isolated from the rest of the world because you just found a specimen of endangered species. There are only a few left, and they are bound to be extinct.

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