

Broken Authentication and Session Management

Broken Authentication and Session Management

Learn about securing session IDs, hijacked sessions, session fixation, rules for making session IDs, and certificates and authorization.

Security measures

Authentication and session management covers a myriad of problems. It can be as obvious as putting a session ID into URLs or as subtle as storing unsalted passwords in your user database. Let’s look at some of the top offenders.

Hiding session IDs

The first place to look is with session identifiers in web front-ends. At one time, it was common to use query parameters on URLs and hyperlinks to carry session IDs. Not only are those session IDs visible to every switch, router, and proxy server, they are also visible to humans. Anyone who copies and pastes a link from their browser inadvertently shares their session with email recipients and chat bots.

An electronics retailer once had a spectacular outage when a special-offer email went out to many thousands of people. The email included a deep link to the product page, including the marketer’s session ID. Thousands of random users tried to use that same session. The outage resulted from each of the front-end servers trying to take exclusive ownership of that session.

Hijacked session

The general term for this is session hijacking. In the retailer’s case, it was self-inflicted. But any session ID in plain text can be sniffed and duplicated by an attacker. The attacker gains control of the user’s session. If we’re lucky, only that user is affected and may be the victim of identity ...