The Simian Army

Learn about chaos monkey, chaos engineering, robustness, opt-in and opt-out environments.

Chaos monkey

Probably the best known example of chaos engineering is Netflix’s Chaos Monkey. Every once in a while, the monkey wakes up, picks an autoscaling cluster, and kills one of its instances. The cluster should recover automatically. If it doesn’t, then there’s a problem and the team that owns the service has to fix it.

The Chaos Monkey tool was born during Netflix’s migration to Amazon’s AWS cloud infrastructure and a microservice architecture. As services proliferated, engineers found that availability could be jeopardized by an increasing number of components. Unless they found a way to make the whole service immune to component failures, they would be doomed. So every cluster needed to autoscale and recover from failure of any instance. But how can we make sure that every deployment of every cluster stays robust when hidden coupling is so easy to introduce?

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