HomeCoursesDynamoDB: From Basic To Advance



DynamoDB: From Basic To Advance
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Gain insights into DynamoDB’s operations, scalability, and interactions. Discover AWS services like DAX and Cloudwatch. Delve into integrating DynamoDB with applications to handle millions of transactions per second.
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Course Overview

This course provides in-depth knowledge of DynamoDB, which is a fast NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). With the rapid adoption of IoT devices and the prevalence of machine learning applications, the storage of information and the speed of interaction becomes critical. DyanmoDB is a storage system that can handle millions of transactions per second without affecting user experience. In this course, you’ll start by learning about the internal workings of DyanmoDb. Next, you’ll le...Show More
This course provides in-depth knowledge of DynamoDB, which is a fast NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS...Show More


An understanding of what DynamoDB is and how it works
Working knowledge of integrating DynamoDB with other AWS services
Familiarity with AWS services for DynamoDB, including DAX and Cloudwatch
The ability to properly process the information to be stored in DynamoDB
An understanding of what DynamoDB is and how it works

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Using AWS Cloud Services


Course Content



8 Lessons

Get familiar with DynamoDB, relational vs. non-relational databases, consistency, CAP theorem, serverless computing, and AWS account configuration.


Getting Started With DynamoDB

6 Lessons

Look at DynamoDB's data storage methods, key structures, secondary indexes, and table creation steps.


Internal Working of DynamoDB

5 Lessons

Break apart DynamoDB's partitions, RCU and WCU metrics, and functionality of global tables.


Tolerating Peaks of Requests

6 Lessons

Apply your skills to manage request peaks with DynamoDB's scalable configurations and optimizations.


Interacting With DynamoDB

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at efficient data retrieval, pagination, transactions, TTL, and data operations in DynamoDB.


Integration With External Services

5 Lessons

Tackle integrating DynamoDB with streams, CloudWatch, IAM, and the AWS CLI.
Certificate of Completion
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