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Learn Intermediate Python 3
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Gain insights into Python 3 by exploring fundamental and advanced concepts. Learn about functions, data structures, and OOP while reinforcing knowledge with quizzes and coding challenges.
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Course Overview

Python is an important programming language used in data science, machine learning, web scraping, and web application development, making it essential for modern developers. This course starts with teaching fundamental programming concepts in Python 3, including conditional execution, repetition, and functions, before moving on to advanced topics like data structures and object-oriented programming. Quizzes and hands-on coding challenges along the way help reinforce what you have learned. By the end of thi...Show More
Python is an important programming language used in data science, machine learning, web scraping, and web application developmen...Show More


Familiarity with the fundamentals of Python 3, including variables, data types, and operators, to write clear and efficient code
The ability to create, use, and reuse functions to structure and modularize your code
Hands-on experience in importing and using Python’s built-in modules to extend functionality and manage large codebases efficiently
Hands-on experience with Python's built-in data structures, such as lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries, to efficiently manage and manipulate collections of data
An understanding of the basics of OOP, including classes, objects, methods, and inheritance, to create reusable and organized code
Familiarity with the fundamentals of Python 3, including variables, data types, and operators, to write clear and efficient code

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Data types




Conditional Statements





Data Structures

Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with Python's versatility, simplicity, and foundational coding practices.



4 Lessons

Get familiar with Python libraries, the Standard Library, and the Python Package Index.



5 Lessons

Look at Python IDEs, installation methods, and executing Python code on various operating systems.
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