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What is This Course About?
Built-in Data Structures
List Comprehensions
Challenge: Read the Line Segments
Solution Review: Read the Line Segments
Namedtuple: An Extension of Tuple
Stacks and Queues
Challenge: Prefix to Postfix Conversion
Solution Review: Prefix to Postfix Conversion
Counter: A High-Performance Container
Challenge: Count with Dictionary
Solution Review: Count with Dictionary
Quiz: Built-in Data Structures
Functional Programming
First-Class Functions
Functions with Optional Arguments
Challenge: Decode the Message
Solution Review: Decode the Message
Anonymous Functions
Challenge: Square the Factorials
Solution Review: Square the Factorials
Functional Behavior of an Object
Quiz: Functional Programming
Project I: Data Science with Data Structures
Reading a Dataset with Data Structures
Time to Code
Mini Project
Data science with Data Structures
Project I Review
Solution: Task I to Task IV
Solution: Task V to Task VIII
Quiz: Test Yourself
Object-Oriented Idioms
How Operators Treat the Variables?
Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy
Pass by Reference
Exception Classes
Class Variable vs Instance Variable
Class, Instance and Static Methods
Abstract Base Classes
Challenge: Devise a Shape System
Solution Review: Devise a Shape
Operator Overloading
Challenge: Overload the Operators for Vectors
Solution Review: Overload the Operators for Vectors
Quiz: Object-Oriented Idioms
Iterables and Generators
Iterables in Python
Iterators in Python
Challenge: Create a Fibonacci Iterator
Solution Review: Create a Fibonacci Iterator
Generators in Python
Challenge: Generate Fibonacci Series with Generator
Solution Review: Generate Fibonacci Series with Generator
Quiz 1: Regulating the Control Flow
Generator Expressions
The Potency of else Block
Building Pipelines
Context Manager Protocol
Quiz 2: Regulating the Control Flow
Introduction to Coroutines
Challenge: Coroutine to Compute Running Maximum
Solution Review: Coroutine to Compute Running Maximum
Priming a Coroutine
Handling the Exceptions
Quiz: Coroutines
Project II: Build Your Own Matrix Module
Matrix with Python
Mini Project
Build Your Own Matrix Library
Project II Review
Solution: Task I to Task IV
Solution: Task V to Task VIII
Introduction to Meta-Programming
Dynamic Classes
Custom Meta-Classes
Challenge: Time My Functions
Solution Review: Time My Functions
Quiz: Meta-Programming
The End
Mastering the Art of Programming in Python 3
Quiz: Test Yourself
Quiz: Test Yourself
Evaluate your code with MCQs.
We'll cover the following...