

Control Time and Timelines

Control Time and Timelines

Understand the purpose of the version control system in managing timelines.

The purpose of a version control system is simple: it tracks some content (generally files) over time and allows us to commit new versions of content and roll back to previous versions. A competent system will also track multiple timelines and assist with merging content between them. With a basic understanding of how this works, it’s a tremendously useful tool.

Moving through time

There are a couple of reasons we may need to move back in time with our source code—and any content, for that matter. First, we may screw up and need to revert to a previous version. ]Sometimes, we’ll work ourselves into a mess, and the easiest path will be to throw away our last day of work and start over. A version control system allows us to do this easily.

Second, when we release code, we need the ability to go back and look at what we released. It’s entirely normal for problems to crop up in the field that ...