

Never Stop Learning

Never Stop Learning

Understand the magic of continuous learning.

We might puzzle over the title of this tip, thinking, “I’ll always keep on learning.” However, it’s easy to lose this in the shuffle. Eventually, the job gets busy, we have family and hobbies after work, and next thing we know, it’s been five years since we put effort into learning a new skill.

It’s up to us to keep learning. We can do it on company time, on our own time, or do whatever it takes to keep our skills fresh. The goal is to keep ourselves marketable in an ever-changing industry, but an even larger part is to keep us learning new skills.

Learn how you are wired

The right way to learn varies from person to person. Some learn best by reading books, others do well in the classroom, and still others need to practice. If we struggled in school, consider that the way they taught may not match how we naturally learn.

We recommend you pick up a copy of Andy Hunt’s to discover your optimal learning style. Unlike the force-feeding nature of the school, this learning drive depends on us, so we can do it in the manner that suits us.

We can consider a personality test like Myers-Briggs (as described in the lesson, Grok Personality Types). to know our learning style. There are also less-formal surveys available on the internet. Or, we can take the ...