HomeCoursesNew Programmer's Survival Manual


5h 20min

New Programmer's Survival Manual
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Gain insights into launching your software career, managing development processes, and understanding the big picture to confidently advance in the industry faster than your peers.
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Course Overview

This course focuses on how to kickstart your career in the software industry and how to manage various operational and development processes. This is an excellent overview of the “big picture” and the many facets of software development that a lot of new developers lack. A great primer for starting an exciting career in software development. By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently go into the workforce and make strides in your career quicker than your fellow peers.
This course focuses on how to kickstart your career in the software industry and how to manage various operational and developme...Show More


How to start an exciting career in software development
Learn how to manage time effectively
Get familiar with project management tools and processes
Discover strategies to adapt to an ever-growing and ever-changing software industry
How to start an exciting career in software development

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with transitioning from academic learning to real-world programming challenges.


Be Your Own Manager

8 Lessons

Own your career by finding a mentor, projecting a positive image, and managing stress effectively.


Team Work

6 Lessons

Map out the steps for understanding personality types, team dynamics, and effective collaboration.


Inside the Company

6 Lessons

See how roles, departments, and key actions drive effective teamwork and company collaboration.



6 Lessons

Get familiar with Kaizen to achieve continuous improvement and lifelong learning in programming.



1 Lessons

Look at launching your software development career and embracing continuous learning.
Certificate of Completion
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Instant Code Feedback

Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

Adaptive Learning

Explain with AI

AI Code Mentor

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