HomeCoursesComplete JavaScript Course: Build a Real World App from Scratch



Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real World App from Scratch
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Gain insights into JavaScript with ES6, DOM traversal, event handling, and animation. Learn about building a Social News web app from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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Course Overview

Javascript is one of the most prominent web programming languages that really made a difference. This course aims to be a useful companion for anyone wishing to (re)discover the many facets of JavaScript. Walk with us as we take you on a journey filled with all the wonders of Javascript including: - Basics of JavaScript with ES6 - How to traverse the DOM? - Modify Pages and handle events - Animate elements You will also learn how to build a Social News web application from scratch using the three web tech...Show More
Javascript is one of the most prominent web programming languages that really made a difference. This course aims to be a useful...Show More



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Course Content



6 Lessons

Get familiar with JavaScript's fundamentals, from programming basics to dynamic web development.


Project 1: A Social News Program

2 Lessons

Solve problems in creating a basic social news app with add and remove features.


Create Interactive Web Pages

3 Lessons

Tackle creating and understanding interactive, web-based applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Discover the DOM

5 Lessons

Master the steps to interact with the DOM, navigate nodes, and handle child elements.


Project 2: A Social News Web Page

2 Lessons

Tackle developing a dynamic social news page with enhanced features and responsive design.


Building Web Applications

6 Lessons

Practice using web protocols, dynamic development techniques, and JSON for data exchange.


Send Data to a Web Server

8 Lessons

Work your way through sending data to servers using POST requests, FormData, and JSON.


Create a Web Server

9 Lessons

Dig deeper into creating and managing web servers using JavaScript with Express framework.


Project 3: A Social News Web App

2 Lessons

Tackle developing a social news web app with Node.js, focusing on coding best practices.



1 Lessons

Approach the ongoing journey of mastering JavaScript's versatile, dynamic, and impactful nature.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with JavaScript naming conventions, code formatting practices, and linters for quality.
Certificate of Completion
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