In this lesson, we'll look at an xss attack and learn how to protect against them with the Content-Security-Policy header.
We'll cover the following...
The Content-Security-Policy
header, often abbreviated to CSP, provides a next-generation utility belt for preventing a plethora of attacks, ranging from XSS (cross-site scripting) to clickjacking.
To understand how CSP helps us, we should first think of an attack vector. Let’s say we built our own Google Search, a simple input text with a submit button. Try running it below.
var qs = require('querystring') var url = require('url') var fs = require('fs') require('http').createServer((req, res) => { let query = qs.parse(url.parse(req.url).query) let headers = { 'X-XSS-Protection': 0 } if (query.xss === "on") { headers['X-XSS-Protection'] = 1 } if (query.xss === "off") { delete headers['X-XSS-Protection']; } if (query.csp === 'on') { headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = `default-src 'self'` } if (query.csp === 'report') { headers['Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'] = `default-src 'self'` } res.writeHead(200, headers) let keyword = || '' let results = keyword ? `You searched for "${keyword}", we found:</br><img src="" />` : `Try searching...` res.end(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/index.html').toString().replace('__KEYWORD__', keyword).replace('__RESULTS__', results)) }).listen(7888)
The output should look like this:
This web application does nothing magical. It displays a form, lets the user execute a search and displays the search results alongside the keyword the user searched for. When we execute a simple search, this is what the application returns:
Injecting arbitrary JavaScript
Amazing! Our application understood our search and found a related image. If we dig deeper into the source code, we will realize that the application presents a security issue, as whatever keyword the user searches for is directly printed in the HTML served to the client. Check out the source code in the app above.
This presents a nasty consequence, an attacker can craft a specific link that executes arbitrary JavaScript on the victim’s ...