
In this lesson, we'll look at how browsers from individual vendors can impact the security of a web app.

The four most popular browsers belong to different vendors:

  • Chrome by Google
  • Firefox by Mozilla
  • Safari by Apple
  • Edge by Microsoft

Besides battling each other to increase their market penetration, vendors engage with each other in order to improve the web standards, a sort of minimum requirements for browsers.

Web standards

The W3C is the body behind the development of web standards, but it’s not unusual for browsers to develop their own features that eventually make it as web standards, security is no exception to that.

In 2016, for example, Chrome 51 introduced SameSite cookies, a feature that would allow web applications to get rid of a particular type of vulnerability known as CSRF (more on this later). Other vendors decided this was a good idea and followed suit, leading to SameSite being a web standard. Today, all major browsers support SameSite cookies, with Safari being the last to jump on the ship in late 2018.

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