What's Behind a Cookie?
In this lesson, we'll study how cookies are set, requested, and what directives they can have.
A server can send a cookie using the Set-Cookie
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Set-Cookie: access_token=1234
A client will then store this data and
send it in subsequent requests through the Cookie
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Cookie: access_token=1234
Note that servers can send multiple cookies at once,
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Set-Cookie: access_token=1234
Set-Cookie: user_id=10
and clients can do the same in their request.
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Cookie: access_token=1234; user_id=10
In addition to the plain key and value, cookies can carry additional directives that limit their time-to-live and scope.
Specifies when a cookie should expire, so that browsers do not store and transmit it indefinitely. A clear example is a session ID, which usually expires after some time. This directive is expressed as a date in the form of Date: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> GMT
, like Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 04:33:00 GMT
. Here’s a full example of a cookie that expires on the first of January, 2018: access_token=1234;Expires=Fri, 24 Aug 2018 04:33:00 GMT
Similar to the Expires
directive, Max-Age
specifies the number of seconds until the cookie should expire. A cookie that should last one hour would look like the following: access_token=1234;Max-Age=3600
This directive defines which hosts the cookie should be sent to. Remember, cookies generally contain sensitive data, so it’s important for browsers not to leak them to untrusted hosts. A cookie with the directive Domain=trusted.example.com
will not be sent along with requests to any domain other than trusted.example.com
, not even the root domain, example.com
. Here’s a valid example of a cookie limited to a particular subdomain: access_token=1234;Domain=trusted.example.com
Path is similar to the Domain
directive but applies to the URL path (/some/path
). This directive prevents a cookie from being shared with untrusted paths, such as in the following example: access_token=1234;Path=/trusted/path
In the next lesson, we’ll study session and persistent cookies.