Home>Courses>Learning Python through PowerShell Concepts


4h 40min

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Learning Python through PowerShell Concepts

Gain insights into Python by leveraging your PowerShell knowledge. Delve into syntax, semantics, and core concepts of Python, making learning efficient through associative learning techniques.
Gain insights into Python by leveraging your PowerShell knowledge. Delve into syntax, semantics, and core concepts of Python, making learning efficient through associative learning techniques.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

75 Lessons
280 Playgrounds
10 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

PowerShell is a go-to scripting language for almost ANYTHING! Now, if you’re hoping to learn Python, then you’re in the right place. As you start this course, you’ll begin to notice that there are a lot of patterns and concepts shared between the two languages. Thus during this course, you will easily be able to relate new Python concepts to the concepts you already know in PowerShell, a learning style called Associative Learning. This PowerShell Scripting guide to Python is designed to make you familia...Show More
PowerShell is a go-to scripting language for almost ANYTHING! Now, if you’re hoping to learn Python, then you’re in the right pl...Show More

What You'll Learn

Learn Python through PowerShell concepts.
Learn different programming concepts in Python and compare it with PowerShell.
Understand similarities and differences in implementation of different concept in Python and PowerShell.
Learn Python through PowerShell concepts.

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Python and PowerShell through a comparative, associative learning approach.



5 Lessons

Look at Python and PowerShell for version checking, variables, case sensitivity, and input/output.


Object Introspection

7 Lessons

Master the steps to effectively introspect and utilize objects, methods, and modules in Python and PowerShell.


Data Types and Its Manipulation

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of data types, casting, strings, datetime, and file handling in Python and PowerShell.


Conditional Statements

6 Lessons

See how conditional statements control program flow and decision-making in Python and PowerShell.



7 Lessons

Master loops in Python and PowerShell, including `for`, `while`, and nested iterations.


Error Handling and Builtin Functions

6 Lessons

Break apart error handling practices, from handling exceptions to managing `finally` blocks.



1 Lessons

Dig deeper into automating tasks with Python and PowerShell script creation techniques.



1 Lessons

Celebrate mastering Python fundamentals, data structures, programming constructs, and handling various data formats through PowerShell.

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