HomeCoursesBuilding Robust Object-Oriented Python Applications and Libraries



Building Robust Object-Oriented Python Applications and Libraries
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Gain insights into object-oriented design in Python, delve into classes, inheritance, and functional programming. Explore advanced patterns, concurrency, and testing to build robust Python applications and libraries.
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Course Overview

This course explores object-oriented programming (OOP) with Python, using objects to design and build applications. By taking this course, learners will discover Python’s power, clean syntax, and robust libraries for OOP-based software development. You’ll start with an introduction to object-oriented design, exploring objects, classes, and the attributes and behaviors that define them. You’ll learn the basic concepts and advanced design patterns using Python’s OOP capabilities. You’ll learn about type hint...Show More
This course explores object-oriented programming (OOP) with Python, using objects to design and build applications. By taking th...Show More


Proficiency in object-oriented design principles and Python syntax
Understanding of advanced Python concepts like concurrency, exceptions, and operator overloading
Hands-on experience in creating complex programs using Python’s built-in data structures
Working knowledge of Python’s support for functional programming
Mastery of Python’s standard library for string manipulation, file paths, and serialization
Proficiency in object-oriented design principles and Python syntax

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Learn how to use Python's OOP concepts, design patterns, and testing strategies efficiently.
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