HomeCoursesEmbedded Programming with Modern C++



Embedded Programming with Modern C++
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Gain insights into using Modern C++ for embedded programming. Learn about safety-critical systems, optimize performance, manage limited resources, and handle parallel execution effectively.
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Course Overview

Embedded Programming with Modern C++ is highly valuable for each professional programmer. In the past, embedded and system programming have had their pitfalls, but modern C++ has been designed to be a better language for this type of development, addressing the previous pitfalls/requirements explicitly. What are these requirements? Embedded systems deal with safety-critical systems, meaning they must guarantee high performance combined with limited resources, while also working in parallel. The scope of ...Show More
Embedded Programming with Modern C++ is highly valuable for each professional programmer. In the past, embedded and system pro...Show More



Programming Language

Embedded Programming

Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with modern C++ features for embedded systems, debunk myths, and ensure safety.


Reduced Resources

34 Lessons

Enhance your skills in efficient resource management and memory optimization using modern C++ techniques.



2 Lessons

Focus on the future of Modern C++ in embedded programming and its industry impact.
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