HomeCoursesGrokking Computer Networking for Software Engineers



Grokking Computer Networking for Software Engineers
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Discover networking essentials for software engineers, delving into client-server architectures, Python socket programming, command-line tools, and key network protocols. Gain hands-on experience in distributed processing.
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Course Overview

The way applications are developed today requires software engineers to have a firm understanding of client-server architecture and networking. If you’re planning to write web applications, or apps that communicate with a remote server, then networking is an essential skill. With this in mind, it’s clear that what you do as a software engineer will be deeply rooted in networking. This course will teach you the fundamentals of networks, socket programming in Python, command-line tools and the main protocols...Show More
The way applications are developed today requires software engineers to have a firm understanding of client-server architecture ...Show More


Computer Networking

Prepare for Interview

Internet/Access Networks

Course Content


Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with computer networking fundamentals, practical skills, and essential Python tools.


Getting to Know the Internet

4 Lessons

Look at the Internet's structure, history, standards, and communication protocols.


Access Networks

4 Lessons

Examine access networks, end systems, and various connection types, including DSL and fiber.


Types of Computer Networks

4 Lessons

Find out about various computer network types by medium, distance, and topology.


Network Infrastructure: The OSI Model

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at the OSI and TCP/IP models, layering and modularity in network infrastructures.


The Transport Layer

25 Lessons

Master the transport layer's protocols, reliable data transfer, congestion control, and efficient packet handling.


Network Layer

27 Lessons

Unpack the core of network layer functionality, IP protocols, and routing methodologies.



2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of networking careers, roles, certifications, and course conclusion insights.
Certificate of Completion
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