Architecting for Systems and Targets

Understand how to look at the systems we have today and figure out how to architect a solution in the cloud that meets that need.


The first and foremost thing we need to make sure of is to pick the suitable architecture that meets our needs. We will be selecting various elements and target objects within the cloud service provider we are using that match up to what we have today in our typical traditional network environment. We can have a Single Cloud Solution and a Multi-Cloud Solution.

Single cloud solution

An organization can use a single cloud provider to serve all its cloud-based applications and services. Users can use either private or public clouds in a single cloud environment, depending on which suits their current and future needs best. Using them, organizations can move workloads to the cloud as their needs grow, expanding the number of virtualized servers if their needs exceed the capacity of a single cloud server.

Smaller, less technical organizations that want the benefits of cloud computing without the burden could benefit more from a single cloud environment. Additionally, it can be a great starting point for startups who wish to grow in the future but require fewer cloud resources in the short term.

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