Existing Systems (Lab)
Learn that the part of determining what we want to put in the cloud is knowing what we have out of the cloud.
Part of determining what we want to put in the cloud is knowing what we have out of the cloud.
Existing systems
What do we have on our network today? Now, there are different ways we can determine what is on our network. Maybe we are in that well-oiled machine IT environment where everything is meticulously documented. We are lucky if we are in that environment because not everybody is.
Network diagram
However, we probably have these things we call network diagrams in such an environment. Network diagrams are graphical representations of our network. So we know what is on it. Let us see an example of what one might look like. So if we go to Google and search images for network diagrams, we will find hundreds of examples. Furthermore, we are looking at one here. This is an example of a network.
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