Other Databases

Explore the other database services provided by AWS.

In this lesson, we will cover AWS’s other database services and their components. Let’s start by exploring Amazon ElastiCache for Redis.

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Redis is an in-memory data store that is popular for fast-moving data and real-time applications like leaderboard sessions, chat messaging, and real-time data analytics. However, deploying, monitoring, and scaling are big challenges for Redis applications, and here, the Amazon ElastiCache for Redis comes into play.

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Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is a fully managed, high-performance, scalable, and cost-effective service that handles all the management and configuration tasks without our intervention. It is Redis compatible, making it capable of running our existing Redis applications seamlessly. Because, the data is available in the memory, it delivers sub-milliseconds latency and high throughput.

Deployment options

ElastiCache for Redis supports two types of deployments: serverless and self-designed clusters. The serverless option simplifies the deployment and scaling of the cluster according to the application’s requirements. In comparison, the self-designed cluster gives more control over the settings and configurations of the cluster. We can provision nodes according to our requirements ...