Route 53

Learn how the Domain Name System works and how AWS provides domain registration and hosting services through Route 53.

Route 53 is a scalable Domain Name System (DNS) service. The “53” in Route 53 refers to the TCP and UDP port number 53, a standard port for DNS services. However, before diving into the concepts of Route 53, let's briefly review how DNS works.

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What is DNS?

Every device connected to the internet has its unique IP addressIP address is short for Internet Protocol address. It is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network. IP addresses can be either IPv4 (32-bit) or IPv6 (128-bit)., enabling communication with it. When we browse the internet, we access web applications hosted on servers, each identified by a distinct IP address. For instance, consider the case of If we assume that the content of is stored on a server with the IP address, then is a domain name that directs users to this server. We can access the same content using the domain name or the server’s IP address.

Let’s explore how DNS resolves the domain request for Here, we will assume that the TLD server responds with the address of the authoritative server ...