Azure Functions
Learn about Azure Functions.
We can use Azure Functions to create a function app using the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. Here, we’ll explain how to first set up Azure Functions using Azure CLI, and then, how to further create functions inside the app using Azure Portal.
Setting up a function app
Azure CLI is already set up for you. You can check that after connecting to the terminal. You’ll see a demo of commands you’ll need to run to create a function app. Copy these commands and use them in the terminal a the end of the lesson.
Log in to your Azure account as done previously.
If you already have a resource group, great; otherwise, you need to create one. Use the following command to do so:
az group create --location westus --name demoEducativeApp_group
- Now, create a function app. This requires a storage account in the CLI command. Use the following command to do so:
az functionapp create --consumption-plan-location westus --name educativeFunctionApp --os-type Windows --resource-group demoEducativeApp_group --runtime dotnet --storage-account demoeducativestorage --functions-version 4
Note: Let’s understand the above ommand in detail:
az functionapp create
: This will create a function ...