HomeCoursesAzure Cloud Solutions Architect Program



Azure Cloud Solutions Architect Program
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Become a cloud pro by designing, deploying, and managing robust Azure solutions. Get hands-on with automation, cost management, and security. No setup, no cleanup, no hassle.
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Course Overview

This hands-on course empowers you with the skills to design, deploy, and manage robust cloud solutions on Microsoft Azure. Azure offers various services enabling organizations to scale up and accelerate their digital transformation. In this course, you’ll explore the core principles of cloud architecture and learn industry best practices. You’ll be introduced to cloud computing basics, followed by topics like SLAs, databases, app services, and VMs. Next, you’ll learn about various automation services like...Show More
This hands-on course empowers you with the skills to design, deploy, and manage robust cloud solutions on Microsoft Azure. Azure...Show More


Proficiency in analyzing Azure resource usage, estimating costs, and implementing cost optimization strategies
Working knowledge of Azure cloud services and tools to automate the deployment and management of Azure resources
Familiarity with performance optimization using Azure’s monitoring and logging tools
An understanding of Azure security features and best practices
Proficiency in analyzing Azure resource usage, estimating costs, and implementing cost optimization strategies

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Cloud Deployment


Automated Deployment

Course Content


Introduction to the Cloud Architect Program

5 Lessons

Get familiar with cloud basics, models, stakeholders, and essential Azure skills for architects.


Virtual Machine Types

2 Lessons

Work your way through setting up Azure VMs for SQL Server and Linux.


Cost Refining

5 Lessons

Take a closer look at refining Azure costs using TCO and Pricing Calculators.



2 Lessons

Wrap up and retain essential cloud concepts, Azure applications, and cost management strategies.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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Hands-on Learning Powered by AI

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Instant Code Feedback

Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

Adaptive Learning

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AI Code Mentor

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