Demo: Azure Firewall Testing
Practice a hands-on demo on how to test Azure Firewall.
We’ve successfully deployed an Azure Firewall. Next, let’s create a default route, configure an application rule that allows access to Google, configure a network rule, and configure a
We already have the following:
- A “demo-exercise-gp” named resource group
- A “vmFirewall” named VM
- A “test_firewall” named firewall
- A “Virtual_Network” named virtual network
- Two “AzureFirewallSubnet(” and “Subnet_2(” named subnets
Let’s start the demo.
Setting up a default route
Navigate over to Azure Portal and log in.
On the Azure home page, click the “Create a resource” button. This will open a marketplace. Search for the “Route table” by typing it in the search box or scrolling down to find it.
Click the “Create a route” option. This will open up a form to fill out the details. Select your subscription and an already existing resource group. If you don’t have any, create one and give it any desired name.
After that, enter a unique name for the route table and select a region. Once you’re done with this, click the “Review + create” button. Once validation is passed, click the “Create” button.
Once the resource is deployed, click ...