HomeCoursesBuilding Resilient Event-Driven Microservices Apps in .NET 7



Building Resilient Event-Driven Microservices Apps in .NET 7
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Gain insights into developing resilient, event-driven microservices in .NET 7 and C#. Explore new features, tooling setup, testing, and CI/CD for large-scale distributed application development.
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Course Overview

In the microservices architecture, applications comprise several independently developed and deployed microservices. This course provides hands-on experience developing and deploying responsive distributed applications using time-tested event-driven patterns in C#11 and .NET 7. It takes a project-oriented approach to develop an application for a large-scale metropolitan mass transit system. You’ll start by covering the new features of .NET 7 focused on event-driven architecture. You’ll then learn about se...Show More
In the microservices architecture, applications comprise several independently developed and deployed microservices. This cour...Show More


An in-depth understanding of the domain-driven design of large-scale distributed systems
Working knowledge of common event-driven architectural patterns
The ability to develop large-scale systems based on microservices architecture
Hands-on experience building resilient distributed applications with built-in observability
An in-depth understanding of the domain-driven design of large-scale distributed systems

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with building resilient event-driven microservices with C# 11 and .NET 7.


The Sample Application

6 Lessons

Walk through the architecture, implementation, and business drivers of a scalable, event-driven .NET 7 application.


Domain Model and Asynchronous Events

6 Lessons

Enhance resilience in .NET apps using asynchronous, event-driven domain models and efficient communication patterns.


Microservice Observability

7 Lessons

Learn how to use observability tools to diagnose, monitor, and ensure microservice reliability.


Service and Application Resiliency

6 Lessons

Simplify complex topics of ensuring error management, redundancy, and effective service communication in resilient microservices.


Observability Revisited

8 Lessons

Step through enhancing observability in microservices with metrics, logs, traces, and service discovery.



1 Lessons

Get started with building robust, scalable microservice applications emphasizing resiliency and efficiency.
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