/Taking It Apart: Components of a WordPress Blog
Taking It Apart: Components of a WordPress Blog
Learn about the components of a WordPress installation and how to untangle them.
We'll cover the following...
Understanding the WordPress configuration
In this lesson, we’ll get a deeper understanding of the internals of WordPress. We’ll need to know how the components interact to build a highly available version of WordPress later on.
Since we are using a Bitnami WordPress installation, some things might be in different places compared to other WordPress variants. These are minor differences (like files being in different places), but it’s useful to keep this in mind, especially if we’ll be working with it in the future and wonder why some results on Google don’t seem to apply to our deployment.
Just like we did in the last lesson, we need to log in via SSH again. To do so, please run the following command:
ssh bitnami@$(aws ec2 describe-instances \--filters "Name=tag:team,Values=wordpress" \--query 'Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicDnsName' --output text)
The command above automatically gets the public DNS name of the WordPress instance we created in the last lesson and logs in via SSH. If you need to confirm that you want to connect to this server, type ...