

Update Launch Template to Use RDS Database

Update Launch Template to Use RDS Database

Learn to update the EC2 user data to use the RDS endpoint.

Now that we know everything is working, we just need to make these changes permanent and integrate them into our launch template.

To do so, we need to do the following:

  1. Update the DB_HOST environment variable in our EC2 user data of the custom-wordpress-vpc launch template.
  2. Add commands to stop MariaDB running on the WordPress instance. We don’t need it anymore when we are using the RDS database.
  3. Create a new version of the custom-wordpress-vpc launch template.
  4. Set this new version as the default version for the launch template.

Update EC2 user data

Updating the EC2 user data is relatively easy because we just need to replace localhost in the DB_HOST environment variable with the content of our RDS_ENDPOINT environment variable, and then we add some extra commands to disable the MariaDB database running on the WordPress instance.

Let’s use a simple ...