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About This Course
Basic Concepts
Cloud Principles
What Benefits Does the Cloud Offer?
What Is Scalability?
What Is High Availability?
Getting Started: Setup and First Steps
What Is the AWS Free Tier?
Hands-On: Run A Simple WordPress Blog on AWS, Part 1
Hands-On: Run A Simple WordPress Blog on AWS, Part 2
Hands-On: Store the SSH Key
AWS Console and User Management
What Is the AWS Console?
Hands-On: Creating An IAM Group
Hands-On: Creating an IAM User
Storing the Access Key on Educative and Adding Permissions
What Is the AWS CLI?
How Do We Use the AWS CLI?
Hands-On: Run an Application Through the AWS CLI
JSON and JMESPath: How Do We Filter the Output?
Amazon EC2: Where It All Began
What Is EC2?
Adopting a Cloud Mindset
Creating an EC2 Instance: Overview
A Closer Look at EC2 Instance Types
A Closer Look at EC2 Instance Type: CLI Parameters
EC2: AMIs and Operating Systems
EC2: Storage Options
EC2 Networking
Security Groups and EC2 Networking
Specifying User Data for EC2
Creating an EC2 Instance: Launch Templates
Course Assessment
Assessment 1/3: Cloud Basics and EC2
Hands-On: Let's Run Your Own Blog
Introduction: Objectives of the Hands-On Chapters in This Course
Getting Started: Setting Up WordPress
Taking It Apart: Components of a WordPress Blog
Configuration: Environment Variables
Configuration: Setting Up User Data
Saving Your State
Trying It Out
Review: What We've Learned and What Our Deployment Looks Like
Basic Networking and Security
AWS Infrastructure: Regions, Availability Zones, and Data Centers
Basics of IP Networking
What Are VPCs and Subnets?
Accessing the Internet: Gateways and Route Tables
Hands-On: Recreate Security Groups for New VPC
Hands-On: Updating the Launch Template to Use the New VPC
Managed Services: Databases with RDS
What Are Managed Services and What Are Their Benefits?
Database Fundamentals for Cloud Architects
Types of Databases
Managed Databases on AWS: Overview
Hands-On: Move the Database to RDS
Migrate the WordPress Database to AWS RDS
Update IAM Permissions to Manage RDS Databases
Create a MariaDB Database with AWS RDS
Connect WordPress to the New RDS Database
Update Launch Template to Use RDS Database
What Storage Options Does AWS Offer?
EBS: A Regular Drive
EFS: A File Server
S3: A Modern File Server
Comparison of AWS Storage Options
Hands-On: Using AWS Storage Options
Making Storage Highly Available and Scalable
Setting Up an EFS File System
Setting Up EFS Mount Targets
Creating a Security Group for the EFS Mount Targets
Create the Security Group Ingress Rule
Attaching a Security Group to EFS Mount Targets
Mounting the EFS File System
Modifying EC2 User Data to Mount EFS
SSM Parameter Store
Overview of SSM Parameter Store
Hands-On: Updating IAM Permissions
Hands-On: Creating an IAM Role
Hands-On: Testing and Setting up SSM Parameters
Hands-On: Moving Configuration Parameters to the SSM Parameter Store
Hands-On: Updating the Launch Template
Course Assessment
Assessment 2/3: Storage, Networking, and Databases
Load Balancing and Autoscaling
What Is Load Balancing?
Types of AWS Load Balancers
What Is Autoscaling?
Hands-On: Scale Our Application
Creating a Second WordPress Instance
Creating a Security Group for the Load Balancer
Creating the Load Balancer
Registering Targets
Setting up Health Checks
Try Out Health Checks
Making It Scalable: Adding an Auto Scaling Group
Check If the ASG Is Working
Benefits of Autoscaling: ASGs in Action
High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR)
DR and HA Revisited: Terminology, RTO, and RPO
Review: High Availability and Resilience of Our WordPress Instances
Review: High Availability and Resilience of Our EFS Storage
Review: High Availability and Resilience of Our RDS Database
Hands-On: Make Your Website Highly Available
Review of Deployment Structure
Converting Our RDS Database to Multi-AZ
Testing the Multi-AZ RDS Automatic Failover
Reboot the RDS Instance
DNS, HTTPS, and Route 53
Fundamentals of DNS
DNS Resource Record Types
Introduction to Route 53
HTTPS Encryption
Bonus Hands-On: Going Live
Registering a Domain through Route 53
Registering a Domain through the AWS CLI
Reviewing the Default Hosted Zone
Setting Up DNS Records
Creating an ACM SSL Certificate
Enabling HTTPS on Our Load Balancer
Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS
Review Components: Compute, Storage, Databases
Plumbing: Networking and Security, DNS, and HTTPS
More Resources and Courses
Course Assessment
Assessment 3/3: Load Balancing, High Availability, DNS & Routing
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Create an AWS Account
Setting Up a Budget as a Precaution
Setting Up 2FA
Building Scalable Web Applications Using AWS CLI & WordPress
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