Approach 2: Split the Algorithm Into Two Parts
Learn how splitting the algorithm into two parts can improve performance by copying elements conditionally in parallel and then merging them sequentially into a continuous range.
The second approach is to split the algorithm into two parts. First, the conditional copying is performed in parallel chunks, and then the resulting sparse range is squeezed to a continuous range.
Part one: Copy elements in parallel into the destination range
The first part copies the elements in chunks, resulting in the sparse destination array illustrated below. Each chunk is conditionally copied in parallel, and the resulting range iterators are stored in std::future
objects for later retrieval:
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The following code implements the first half of the algorithm:
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template <typename SrcIt, typename DstIt, typename Pred>auto par_copy_if_split(SrcIt first, SrcIt last, DstIt dst, Pred pred,size_t chunk_sz) -> DstIt {auto n = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(first, last));auto futures = std::vector<std::future<std::pair<DstIt, DstIt>>>{};futures.reserve(n / chunk_sz);for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i += chunk_sz) {const auto stop_idx = std::min(i + chunk_sz, n);auto future = std::async([=, &pred] {auto dst_first = dst + i;auto dst_last =std::copy_if(first + i, first + stop_idx, dst_first, pred);return std::make_pair(dst_first, dst_last);});futures.emplace_back(std::move(future));}// To be continued ...
We have now copied the elements (that should ...