

Implementing a Rudimentary Task Type (Part 2)

Implementing a Rudimentary Task Type (Part 2)

Learn how to resume an awaiting coroutine and support void tasks.

Resuming an awaiting coroutine

When the asynchronous task has been completed, it should transfer the control back to the coroutine, waiting for the task to finish. To resume this continuation, the Task object needs the coroutine_handle to the continuation coroutine. This handle was passed to the Task object’s await_suspend() function, and conveniently we made sure to save that handle into the promise object:

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class Task {
// ...
auto await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> c) {
h_.promise().continuation_ = c; // Save handle
return h_;
// ...

The final_suspend() function is responsible for suspending at the final suspend point of this coroutine and transferring execution to the awaiting coroutine. This is the relevant part of the Promise reproduced for your convenience:

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auto Promise::final_suspend() noexcept {
struct Awaitable {
bool await_ready() noexcept { return false; } // Suspend
auto await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<Promise> h) noexcept{
return h.promise().continuation_; // Transfer control to
} // the waiting coroutine
void await_resume() noexcept {}
return Awaitable{};

To begin with, returning false ...