The Standard Library Containers
Learn about the standard library containers and their different categories.
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Containers and iterators in C++
The C++ standard library offers a set of very useful container types. A container is a data structure that contains a collection of elements. The container manages the memory of the elements it holds. This means that we don't have to explicitly create and delete the objects that we put in a container. We can pass objects created on the stack to a container and the container will copy and store them on the free store.
Iterators are used to access elements in containers, and are, therefore, a fundamental concept for understanding algorithms and data structures from the standard library. It's enough to know that an iterator can be thought of as a pointer to an element and that iterators have different operators defined depending on the container they belong to. For example, array-like data structures provide random access iterators to their elements. These iterators support arithmetic expressions using +
and -
, whereas an iterator to a linked list, for example, only supports ++
and --
The containers are divided into three categories: