

Stackless vs. Stackful Coroutines

Stackless vs. Stackful Coroutines

Understand the differences between stackless and stackful coroutines and their impact on performance by memory usage, as well as context switching compared to user-level threads.

Comparison of Stackless and Stackful Coroutines with User-Level Threads

As stated in the previous section, stackless coroutines use the stack of the currently running thread to handle nested function calls. The effect of this is that a stackless coroutine can never suspend from a nested call frame.

Stackful coroutines are sometimes called fibers, and in the programming language Go, they are called goroutines. Stackful coroutines remind us of threads, where each thread manages its own stack. There are two big differences between stackful coroutines (or fibers) and OS threads, though:

  • OS threads are scheduled by the kernel and switching between two threads is a kernel mode operation.
  • Most OSes switch OS threads preemptively (the thread is interrupted by the scheduler), whereas a switch between two fibers happens cooperatively. A running fiber keeps running until it passes control over to some manager that can then schedule another fiber.

There is also a category of threads called user-level threads or green threads. These are lightweight threads that don’t involve kernel mode switching (because they run in user mode and are therefore unknown to the kernel). Fibers are one example of user-level threads. But it is also possible for user-level threads to be scheduled preemptively by a user library or by a virtual machine. Java threads are one example of preemptive user-level threads.

Stackless coroutines also allow us to write and compose multiple concurrently running tasks but without the need for an individual side stack per flow. Stackless coroutines and state machines are tightly related. It’s possible to transform a state machine into a coroutine and vice versa. Why is this useful to know? Firstly, it gives us a better understanding of what stackless coroutines are. Secondly, if we are already good at identifying problems that can be solved using state machines, we can more easily see where coroutines might fit in as an appropriate solution. State machines are very general abstractions and can be applied to a great variety of problems. However, some areas where state machines are usually applied are parsing, gesture recognition, and I/O multiplexing, to mention a few. These are all areas where stackless coroutine can really shine both in terms of expressiveness and performance.

Performance cost

Coroutines are an abstraction that allows us to write lazy evaluated code and asynchronous programs clearly and concisely. But there is a performance cost related to creating and destroying coroutines as well as suspending and resuming coroutines. When comparing the performance cost of stackless and stackful coroutines, two main aspects must be addressed: memory footprint and context switching.

Memory footprint

Stackful coroutines need a separate call stack in order to handle suspension from within nested call frames. When calling a coroutine, we, therefore, need to dynamically allocate a chunk of memory for this new side stack. This immediately raises the question: how big a stack must we allocate? Unless we have some policy regarding how much stack a coroutine and its nested call frames can consume, we probably need to have a stack of approximately the same size as a normal call stack of a thread.

Some implementations have experimented with a segmented stack, which would allow the stack to grow if necessary. Another alternative is to start with a small contiguous stack and then copy the stack to a bigger newly allocated memory region when needed (similar to how std::vector grows). The coroutine implementation in Go (goroutines) has switched from using a segmented stack to a dynamically growing contiguous stack.

Stackless coroutines do not need to allocate memory for a separate side stack. Instead, they need a single allocation for storing each coroutine frame to support suspend and resume. This allocation happens when the coroutine is called (but not on suspend/resume). The call frame is deallocated when the coroutine returns.

In summary, stackful coroutines demand a big initial memory allocation for the coroutine frame and the side stack or need to support a growing stack. Stackless coroutines only need to allocate memory for the coroutine frame. The memory footprint of calling a coroutine can be summarized as follows:

  • Stackless: Coroutine frame
  • Stackful: Coroutine frame + call stack

The next aspect of performance cost relates to suspending and resuming coroutines.

Context switching

Context switching can occur at different levels. In general, a context switch happens when we need the CPU to switch between two or many ongoing tasks. The task that is about to be paused needs to save the entire state of the CPU so that it can be restored at a later stage.

Switching between different processes and OS threads are fairly expensive operations that involve system calls, requiring the CPU to enter kernel mode. Memory caches are invalidated and, for process switching, the tables that contain the mappings between the virtual memory and physical memory need to be replaced.

Suspending and resuming coroutines is also a kind of context switch because we are switching between multiple concurrent flows. Switching between coroutines is substantially faster than switching between processes and OS threads, partly because it doesn’t involve any system calls that require the CPU to run in kernel mode.

However, there is still a difference when switching between stackful coroutines and switching between stackless coroutines. The relative runtime performance of the context switches of stackful versus stackless coroutines can depend on the call patterns. But, in general, a stackful coroutine has a more expensive context switch operation since it has more information to save and restore during suspend and resume compared to a stackless coroutine. Resuming a stackless coroutine is comparable to a normal function call.

The stackless versus stackful debate has been going on in the C++ community for quite a few years now, and we will do our best to stay away from the debate by concluding that they both have valid use cases—some use cases will favor stackful coroutines and other use cases will favor stackless coroutines.

This section took a little detour for the purpose of having a better understanding of how coroutines execute and perform. Let’s have a short recap of what we have learned.

What we have learned so far

Coroutines are functions that can be suspended and resumed. An ordinary function does not have this ability, which makes it possible to remove the call frame of a function that returns. However, a coroutine that is suspended needs to keep the call frame alive to be able to restore the state of the coroutine once it gets resumed. Coroutines are more powerful than subroutines and involve more bookkeeping in the generated machine code. However, thanks to the close relationship between coroutines and ordinary functions, today’s compilers are very good at optimizing stackless coroutines.

Stackful coroutines can be seen as non-preemptive user-level threads. In contrast, stackless coroutines offer a way to write state machines in a direct imperative fashion using the keywords await and yield to specify the suspend points.

After this introduction to the general coroutine abstraction, it’s time to understand how stackless coroutines are implemented in C++.

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