Parallel Arrays

Learn about parallel arrays and their practical use in this lesson.

We'll cover the following

Parallel arrays primer

We will finish this chapter by talking about iterating over elements and exploring ways to improve performance when iterating over array-like data structures. We have already mentioned two important factors for performance when accessing data: spatial locality and temporal locality. When iterating over elements stored contiguously in memory, we will increase the probability that the data we need is already cached if we manage to keep our objects small, thanks to spatial locality. Obviously, this will have a great impact on performance.

Recall the cache-thrashing example, shown at the beginning of this chapter, where we iterated over a matrix. It demonstrated that we sometimes need to think about the way we access data, even if we have a fairly compact representation of the data.

Next, we will compare how long it takes to iterate over objects of different sizes. We will start by defining two structs, SmallObject and BigObject:

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