Component Tests
Let's set up component tests for your web application.
Component testing
Sometimes, we develop complex components that are worth testing in isolation. But it is not recommended to write component tests for every single component in your project. There is one exception: If you write a component library. In that case, we recommend using Storybook and making sure there is 100% test coverage. Besides that, the best practice is to test components that contain some sort of logic. Every other component should be tested as part of the overall end-to-end test suite.
However, some people prefer the traditional testing pyramid and aim for 100% unit test coverage. There is no right or wrong, but you and your team have to decide what’s best.
Set up component tests
Let’s set up component tests for your web application.
Configure Cypress Svelte component tests
First, we need to install two packages to help with Cypress component testing. In
the services/web
directory, run the following command:
npm i -D @bahmutov/cy-rollup cypress-svelte-unit-test
The first one is a rollup preprocessor needed to deal ...