Test the New Service

Do a quick test locally to make sure the integration works correctly.

Create a new DEV API key

To create a new DEV API key, follow these steps:

  1. Visit https://dev.to/settings/account.
  2. In the DEV API Keys section, provide a description for the key and click Generate API Key.

  1. Once the page reloads, your new key is available below, and you can click its description to see the key.


Do not share this key anywhere else other than in the below environment variable! If anyone gets ahold of this key, they can impersonate you on DEV. If for any reason you need to revoke the key, you can do that at the same place on DEV where you created it.

To set the environment variable in the Firebase project, click Run and in the terminal navigate to services/web/firebase/. First, login to Firebase with npm run firebase:login and then use the following command:

./node_modules/.bin/firebase functions:config:set crossposttodevto.apikey=xyz

Replace xyz with the API key you created on DEV above, and add it to the below environment variable dev_api_key.

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