Develop the New Service Placeholder

Learn how to develop the placeholder for the new service for your web application.

Firebase expects all functions we develop to be exported from the services/web/firebase/functions/src/index.ts module. Currently, we have the “helloWorld” named export, which creates a Cloud Function service called helloWorld. We will have to export all our new services from that file as well.

A few words about naming conventions:

Names must be meaningful and self-explanatory, so that anyone who reads the code understands what they mean. This means less cognitive load on anyone involved and far fewer questions along the lines of “What’s the name of that service that cross-posts a blog post to, again? Oh, and where can I find its source code?”

So, instead of calling our service goldfish.ts or even cross-post-service.ts, which do not tell us how they were triggered, we are going to create the following ...