

Enable Tests in the Continuous Integration Pipeline

Enable Tests in the Continuous Integration Pipeline

Learn how to make sure that tests run as part of the continuous integration pipeline so you don't have to run them manually.

Running test suites and recording the results in the Cypress dashboard is, at the time of this writing, as good as it gets when it comes to testing. However, we want to make sure tests run as part of the continuous integration pipeline so developers don’t have to run them manually. We also want the results displayed right in the pull request view and to block a PR from being merged if tests fail.

Set up GitHub workflow

Let’s implement that! We already have a .github/workflows/services-web-deploy.yml file that deploys the web service. It is a good time to rename this file now since it is no longer only deploying, but will soon also be testing the web service. In fact, having one workflow file per service is a ...