Add a Second Player
Learn how to add a second player.
We'll cover the following...
Add another player
To add a second player, we just need to pass that player’s name to the Game.add_player/2
function along with the via
tuple that maps to the game PID.
We want both players to know about successfully adding a second player. However, if we fail to add the second player, only that player needs to know. This is a case where we can use broadcast!/3
on success and :reply
tuple if something goes wrong.
Fortunately, we have an easy way to derive the via
tuple and address the right game process. The socket.topic
will always be a string that begins with “game:”
and ends with the first player’s name. We can do a little binary pattern matching to extract just the name. We only need this player’s name to get the via
tuple from Game.via_tuple/1
defp via("game:" <> player), do: Game.via_tuple(player)
With that information, let’s define a new handle_in/3
clause for the "add_player"
def handle_in("add_player", player, socket) do
case Game.add_player(via(socket.topic), player) do
:ok ->
broadcast! socket, "player_added", %{message: "New player just joined: " <> player}
{:noreply, socket}
{:error, reason} ->
{:reply, {:error, %{reason: inspect(reason)}}, socket}
:error -> {:reply, :error, socket} end
Note: Run the app and open the SPA link in two separate browser tabs. Run the following commands as instructed.