- Examples

In this lesson, we'll learn about the examples of class templates.

Example 1: Templates in Class

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// templateClassTemplate.cpp
#include <iostream>
class Account{
explicit Account(double amount=0.0): balance(amount){}
void deposit(double amount){
balance+= amount;
void withdraw(double amount){
balance-= amount;
double getBalance() const{
return balance;
double balance;
template <typename T, int N>
class Array{
Array()= default;
int getSize() const;
T elem[N];
template <typename T, int N>
int Array<T,N>::getSize() const {
return N;
int main(){
std::cout << std::endl;
Array<double,10> doubleArray;
std::cout << "doubleArray.getSize(): " << doubleArray.getSize() << std::endl;
Array<Account,1000> accountArray;
std::cout << "accountArray.getSize(): " << accountArray.getSize() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;


We have created two Array class objects, i.e., doubleArray and accountArray in lines 45 and 48. By calling generic function getSize() in line 37, we can access the size of different objects.

Example 2: Inheritance in Class Templates
