Fold Expressions
In this lesson, we'll study fold expressions.
We'll cover the following...
Fold Expressions (C++17)
Fold expressions is a nice syntax to evaluate binary operators at compile-time. Fold expressions reduce parameter packs on binary operators.
C++11 provides support for parameter packs:
Press + to interact
bool all_14(){return true;}template<typename T, typename ...Ts>bool all_14(T t, Ts ... ts){return t && all_14(ts...);}
C++17 provides support for fold expressions:
Press + to interact
template<typename ... Args>bool all_17(Args ... args){return ( ... && args);}bool val == all_14(true, true, true, false)== all_17(true, true, true, false== ((true && true)&& true)&& false== false;
Two variations
- The fold expression either has or does not have an initial value
- The parameter pack will be processed from left or right
C++17 supports the following 32 operators in fold expressions: