- Solution
Let's have a look at the solution review of the last exercise in this lesson.
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Solution Review
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//templateClassTemplateMethods2.cpp#include <algorithm>#include <iostream>#include <vector>template <typename T, int N>class Array{public:Array()= default;template <typename T2, int M> friend class Array;template <typename T2>Array<T, N>& operator=(const Array<T2, N>& arr){static_assert(std::is_convertible<T2, T>::value, "Cannot convert source type to destination type!");elem.clear();elem.insert(elem.begin(), arr.elem.begin(), arr.elem.end());return *this;}int getSize() const;private:std::vector<T> elem;};template <typename T, int N>int Array<T, N>::getSize() const {return N;}int main(){Array<double, 10> doubleArray{};Array<int, 10> intArray{};doubleArray = intArray;}
In the above code, we have created an Array
class in which we have defined a ...