- Exercises

Let's solve a few exercises around CRTP in this lesson.

Problem Statement 1

Extend the given piece of code with a Person class. A Person should have a

  • first name
  • last name

You need to create two objects of the Person class and compare these objects using relational operators.

Press + to interact
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template<class Derived>
class Relational{};
// Relational Operators
template <class Derived>
bool operator > (Relational<Derived> const& op1, Relational<Derived> const & op2){
Derived const& d1 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op1);
Derived const& d2 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op2);
return d2 < d1;
template <class Derived>
bool operator == (Relational<Derived> const& op1, Relational<Derived> const & op2){
Derived const& d1 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op1);
Derived const& d2 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op2);
return !(d1 < d2) && !(d2 < d1);
template <class Derived>
bool operator != (Relational<Derived> const& op1, Relational<Derived> const & op2){
Derived const& d1 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op1);
Derived const& d2 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op2);
return (d1 < d2) || (d2 < d1);
template <class Derived>
bool operator <= (Relational<Derived> const& op1, Relational<Derived> const & op2){
Derived const& d1 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op1);
Derived const& d2 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op2);
return (d1 < d2) || (d1 == d2);
template <class Derived>
bool operator >= (Relational<Derived> const& op1, Relational<Derived> const & op2){
Derived const& d1 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op1);
Derived const& d2 = static_cast<Derived const&>(op2);
return (d1 > d2) || (d1 == d2);
// Implement a person class here
// Person
// Apple
class Apple:public Relational<Apple>{
explicit Apple(int s): size{s}{};
friend bool operator < (Apple const& a1, Apple const& a2){
return a1.size < a2.size;
int size;
// Man
class Man:public Relational<Man>{
explicit Man(const std::string& n): name{n}{}
friend bool operator < (Man const& m1, Man const& m2){
return m1.name < m2.name;
std::string name;
int main(){
std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::endl;
// Call Person class object here checks them for all relational operaotrs
std::cout << std::endl;

Problem Statement 2
