HomeCoursesLearn Object-Oriented Programming in C#



Learn Object-Oriented Programming in C#
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Gain insights into OOP with C#. Delve into practical coding examples and exercises, exploring OOP concepts through a real-world vending machine project to understand and apply them effectively.
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Course Overview

Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been around for decades. As the original object-oriented language, C# is a mainstay in the world of computer programming. All the concepts of object-oriented programming that C# developers love to have in their arsenal are explained in detail along with relevant coding examples and exercises in this course. This course is unique in its nature as it follows a project-based learning approach. Throughout the course, a real-world example of vending machine is followed to ...Show More
Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been around for decades. As the original object-oriented language, C# is a mainstay in the...Show More

Course Content


Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

3 Lessons

Get familiar with OOP concepts in C#, using a practical vending machine project.


Composition, Aggregation and Association

6 Lessons

Practice using composition, aggregation, and association in class relationships through a console-based project.
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