

Debouncing for Improved Performance Using the useDebounced Hook

Debouncing for Improved Performance Using the useDebounced Hook

Learn about the useDebounced custom hook that effectively manage state changes with debouncing in React applications.

Introduction to the useDebounced hook

In the internal implementation of the useDebounced custom hook the React useState, useRef , useMemo and useEffect hooks are utilized. A useDebounced hook is useful for scenarios where we want to delay the execution of a function until a certain period of time has passed without any further calls.

In Debouncing the search lesson, we ran into a very interesting implementation: we debounced the user keystroke so that we didn't invoke a heavy operation (such as search) too frequently.

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useDebounced hook
useDebounced hook

Implementing the useDebounced hook

A pattern that emerged is that for a given state, whenever we change it via dispatch, we want to wait for a period of time before we are assured that it's the right time to ...