Utilizing JavaScript ES6

Learn about ES6 features that enhance expressiveness in development.

Exploring JavaScript evolution in React

React is written in JavaScript, which has been evolving for the past 20 years. It is used in frameworks such as jQuery, Angular, React, and Node.js, making it one of the most popular and influential programming languages.

The latest JavaScript is based on ECMAScript 2015, which is also known as ES6. This brought a few important features to JavaScript, and React has quickly adopted these features effectively. The following are just a few of the features:

  • Arrow function

  • Spread and rest

  • Object enhancement

  • Template strings

  • Destructuring

  • Let and const

  • Modules

  • Symbols

If you are considering using JavaScript as your main language, it's recommended that in your free time, you go over all the preceding materials because they are commonly used by React apps. We'll go over each of these features in the following sections.

Arrow function

The arrow function is a new syntax for function expressions. A typical function can be defined with a function keyword:

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