
Get a brief summary of what we've learned in this chapter.

We'll cover the following

Key points

Let's recap the key points we have learned in this chapter.

  • First, we delved into understanding a context under React and how it enables functional components to consume values from a React context.

  • Next, we explored context design in-depth, including how to consume it using the useContext hook.

  • Subsequently, we embarked on a context test drive by managing a user object for a site. This involved setting up the context, providing the user object, and then accessing it in different components using the useContext hook.

  • Furthermore, we explored additional applications of contexts, particularly in theming. This involved dynamically altering the styling or appearance of components based on the theme provided by the context.

  • Additionally, we implemented another application involving a table. This entailed using context to manage and share data related to a table, such as sorting preferences or data filters. This showcased the flexibility and reusability of context in various parts of a React application.

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