Supporting Multiple States
Learn about how to handle multiple states individually and simultaneously in the React application.
Sustain multiple states
Let's see whether we can support multiple states instead of one state.
It's great that we can establish a persistent state within a function component. However, we want more states like that. An app normally contains lots of buttons, switches, and actionable items; each requires a persistent state. So, it's a must-have to support multiple states in the same app.
So, say we need two buttons, and each needs to be driven by a state. Let's extend what we have learned from a single state:
const Title = () => {// Initialize counters for Hello and World with initial values retrieved from _getM(0)let countH = _getM(0);let countW = _getM(0);// Define a function to handle the onClick event for the Hello counter buttonconst onClickH = () => {countH = countH + 1;_setM(countH);};// Define a function to handle the onClick event for the World counter buttonconst onClickW = () => {countW = countW + 1;_setM(countW);};// Render the component with two buttons to increment Hello and World countersreturn (<><button onClick={onClickH}>+</button><h1>Hello+{countH}</h1><button onClick={onClickW}>+</button><h1>World+{countW}</h1></>);};
In the code above, we first create two buttons, one with a "Hello" label and one with a "World" label, and each have their separate event handler, onC1ickH
and onClickW
respectively. Also, we apply _getM
and _setM
to both of them and install a couple of logs to help the debug, as shown in the following timeline sketch:
|----0--1-2----------------> clickedH|------------3-4----5------> clickedW0----1--2-3--4-5----6------> updatedH0----1--2-3--4-5----6------> updatedW
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