
Get a brief summary of what we've learned in this chapter.

We'll cover the following

Key takeaways

Let's recap the key points we have learned in this chapter.

  • We learned about the local state managed within a React component. The state allows components to store and manage data that can change over time, influencing the rendering and behavior of the component.

  • We dug deeper into the useState design. The useState hook in React is designed to handle stateful logic in functional components. It is divided into two phases: mounting a state (initializing) and updating a state (handling changes).

  • We learned about different methods of updating and dispatching states in React. This involves understanding how to trigger changes in state and various techniques to determine if a state has been modified.

  • Then, we also learned that a dispatch can support a value format or a functional updater format, and we learned that we can dispatch multiple times in one event handler.

  • Then, we experimented with useState and learned how to send the state change to a child component via props.

  • We also learned the concept of "lifting state up," a common technique in React. This involves moving the state from a child component to a parent component, enabling shared state management and synchronization.

  • We applied the knowledge of useState by designing two specific components—an avatar and a tooltip. This practical exercise helps you understand how to integrate state management into the design of React components.

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