
Get a brief summary of what we've learned in this chapter.

We'll cover the following

Key takeaways

Let's recap the key points we learned in this chapter.

  • We first learned what a React ref is. We then went over how to access a DOM element by using a ref and went through the design of the useRef hook.

  • We discussed how useRef can be employed to store values that don't necessitate a rerender of the component when they change. This characteristic is particularly useful for scenarios where you need to maintain a value between renders but don't want to trigger a UI update.

  • We also showed how useRef can be utilized to focus on an input element without causing a rerender, providing a smooth and efficient user experience.

  • We went through how special it is by showing more examples of its use, including clicking outside of a menu, avoiding memory leaks, and locating the current value.

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